More Options for Item Billing

There are new settings that can be used to determine what price to bill for lost items, specifying whether to use the acquisition cost or the price as the preferred billing amount. Here's an example of how these…

Improve Holdings Template Management

The current system of holdings template management is complicated and inefficient. Libraries should be able to set up item templates that can be assigned to specific users or workstations. If the template is edited, everyone who has been…

Improve MARC Record Template Management

Although bibliographic records enter our system in many ways -- through acquisitions, uploading records from vendor systems, and via Z39.50, most libraries have to create new MARC records for some material by choosing a MARC template from a…

Improvements to Bucket Sharing and Management

We would like to see improvements to Evergreen buckets, making them work similar to the way Google Docs and similar collaborative content sites work. The owner of a bucket should be able to explicitly share it with specific…